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Governance | Team

Ridgeville is governed by a board of five elected commissioners who set policy for its operation and maintenance. As the governing body, the board meets once a month to establish park policy and ensure the delivery of programming and facility use to all residents of the district. Commissioners are elected to a six-year term and serve without compensation.

The current Board of Commissioners is President Matthew Mitchell (mmitchell@ridgeville.org), Vice President Mick Morel (mmorel@ridgeville.org), Diana Anton (danton@ridgeville.org), Amanda DePalma (adepalma@ridgeville.org), and Shawn Jones (sjones@ridgeville.org).

Please contact our Freedom of Information Act officer, Nicole Andre, with any FOIA requests or questions at office@ridgeville.org or (847) 869-5640.

Our board meetings are the second Thursday of every month at 7:00 pm at the Ridgeville Community House.

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