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Welcome to Ridgeville!
All about us...
Who and Why
Reba Park
Parks & Facilities
Seven parks, three facilities, two tot lots...
What's Where
Events & Seasonal Programs
Classes, workshops, spring break camp... 
Special Events
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Welcome to Ridgeville Park District

More than just a park district, Ridgeville is a community. We bring engaging year-round programming for youth and adults, activity-filled summer camps, community events and opportunities to gather with your neighbors and celebrate our diversity.

Celebrating its 85th year, Ridgeville Park District is a unique and dynamic public resource in south Evanston, with more than 10,000 households living within its district boundaries. Although there are defined boundaries, we welcome everyone to participate in Ridgeville activities. All of our arts and recreational programs are designed to be affordable, and most of our community events are FREE.

With so much to offer, discover what Ridgeville has for you!