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Ridgeville Park District Staff

Executive Director 
Marlon Rodas
Ph: (847) 869-5640
E: mrodas@ridgeville.org

Director of Recreation & Special Events 
Natalie Sallee
Ph: (847) 257-6912
E: nsallee@ridgeville.org

Office Manager 
Pic Coming Soon!
Nicole Andre
Ph: (847) 869-5640
E: office@ridgeville.org

Marketing & Communications Manager 
Alison Rodes
Alison Rodes
Ph: (847) 869-5640
E: arodes@ridgeville.org

Maintenance Foreman 
Marcos Cruz
Ph: (847) 869-5640
E: mcruz@ridgeville.org

Maintenance Crew 
Felipe Lopez
Ph: (847) 869-5640
E: flopez@ridgeville.org

Garden Programs & Education Coordinator 
Laura Downey
Laura Downey
Ph: (847) 869-5640
E: gardens@ridgeville.org

Recreation Manager 

Coming Soon!
Ph: (847) 869-5640

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